You may request a redemption of your Investment at any time. Requests received Monday-Friday by 3:30 pm EST will be completed by electronic funds transfer (ACH) directly to your bank and your funds generally will be available in one business day. Requests received after 3:30 pm EST or on a WIF holiday or scheduled office closure will be processed generally the following business day. Requests for a full redemption and close out of an Investment may take up to five business days.
You can initiate an investment with as little as $100.
Our investment interest rates are subject to change on January 1 or July 1 and may be found by clicking here.
Our investment interest rates are determined by our Executive Management Team based on various economic and current market factors.
You may request to contribute funds to or redeem funds from your WIF Investment at any time by secure online chat message while logged in to myWIF, or by calling our Investment Team at 317-774-7300 during business hours Monday-Friday 8 am – 4:30 pm EST.
Statements are sent out semi-annually on June 30 and December 31 each year. Additionally, an activity notice will be sent anytime you you make a transaction affecting your investment.
Please note, if you are enrolled for online access, all semi-annual statements, activity notices, and 1099-INT statements will be provided electronically. If you would like to enroll for online access, please click HERE.
Interest is accrued daily, based on the balance of your investment, and is applied to your investment semi-annually on June 30 and December 31 each year. Interest will be added to your investment balance unless you request that it be paid out to you, in which case we will establish a periodic ACH Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) directly to your bank account.
Yes! Interest is accrued daily based on the balance of your investment. If you close your investment and redeem all your funds, the interest you have earned up to the closure will be included in the final amount paid out to you.
You may be able to select “enroll in online access” when you initially apply for a WIF investment. If you did not enroll in online access, you can click HERE to complete the online access enrollment application or go to the WIF Homepage. After you complete your enrollment application, you will receive your User ID and temporary password (PIN) via two separate emails generally within one business day. Once you have enrolled in online access, you can click HERE or go to the WIF Homepage and click “SIGN IN” to view your investment history, communicate with our Investment Team or request a transaction using the Message feature. We will send all future communication about your investment to you electronically.
You may change your address by calling our Investment Team at (317) 774-7300 or sending us a secure chat message while logged in to your investment account online.
Access to your investment passes to any surviving joint owner. If there are no surviving joint owners, the investment passes to the listed beneficiaries. If there are no surviving beneficiaries, your investment will be payable to your estate. Please contact us with any questions concerning this topic.
If you do not enroll in online access, you will not be able to see your investment balance or activity or request any transactions online. To check your balance, investment activity or make any transaction in your WIF investment, you would need to either call our Investment Team or send a request via regular mail. You will receive paper statements showing your transaction information twice a year, in January and July.
No, WIF is not a bank, so your investment in WIF is not insured by the FDIC or SIPC. You should read the offering circular to learn more about WIF.
This website and the material provided in it do not constitute an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy WIF investments. The offering of WIF investments is made solely through WIF’s Offering Circular and only in states where authorized. The securities are subject to certain risk factors described in the Offering Circular. Investors should carefully read the Offering Circular before investing. WIF is not a bank and the investments are not FDIC or SIPC insured.