Building the Kingdom Together

WIF has been partnering with people and churches to build the Kingdom for more than 75 years. We provide loans to churches through our investment accounts that are available to you.

Our primary focus is investing in our partnership with you. It is our goal to bring fresh air and freedom to the loan relationship that gives you grace and room to minister effectively.

Why borrow from WIF?

  • Borrowing money from WIF is not a transaction; it’s a partnership.
  • WIF understands the unique dynamics of church lending.
  • Completing the loan application typically takes just 10-15 minutes.
  • Our team is here to help you experience a smooth and simple loan process
  • The interest paid on church loans is used to build the Kingdom including funding more loans to churches.

What types of Loans does WIF provide?

  • Purchasing property
  • New construction
  • Expansion or renovation of existing property
  • Refinancing existing mortgage debt

How much can we borrow?

Generally, a church can borrow up to three times its recurring annual tithes and offerings. For example, a church with $500,000 in tithes and offerings may qualify for a Loan of up to $1.5 million.

Down payment or cash equity required?

Generally, WIF requires down payments of:
  • 20-30% for existing facility purchases
  • 25-50% for renovations to existing properties
  • 35-50% for land purchases

Next steps?

To speak with somebody on our Loan Team, please call 317.774.7300 during our normal business hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm EST.


Building the Kingdom

WIF facilitates and promotes Kingdom dreaming. We partner with churches who have big dreams for Kingdom growth and provide the financing needed to bring those dreams to life.

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